Schiphol Delivery

Position Information

ATC CallsignSchiphol Delivery
FRA RequirementAS3/AS1+

Area of Responsibility

IFR clearance and VFR startups at EHAM

General Procedures

Flightplan Checking

When checking a flight plan make sure to check the following items:

  • Flight Rules (VFR/IFR)

  • Equipment (RVSM equiped/Mode S transponder). Mode S type of transponder is mandatory in the EHAA FIR

  • Departure Aerodrome (must be EHAM)

  • Cruising speed (should be filed in Knots [N] TAS)

  • Flight Level / Altitude (Conform Semi Circular system), below TA in altitude (Axxxx), above TL in flight levels (Fxxx)

  • Correct routing (first FIX for SID, when incorrect usually the whole route is incorrect. Do not just change the first FIX and departure)
    If required you can coordinate with approach for a vectored departure, do not clear for vectors without coordination.

  • Check the FP (Altitude/route) against the LOA's section and Quickview section for City pairs between departure and arrival aerodrome and restricted routes (UN852).


Startup clearance

Startup clearance should contain:
  1. Startup approved

  2. Runway in use (with VFR)

  3. QNH (with VFR)

  4. ATIS check (either that his version is correct or the correct version)

IFR clearance

IFR clearance should contain:
  1. Cleared to ..... (destination aerodrome)

  2. Cleared Level: the initial cleared flight level

  3. Departure SID and Runway (+additional instructions if required)

  4. SSR code (Squawk)

  5. Additional Departure instructions

  6. CTOT (if applicable)

Local Procedures

  • At Schiphol Delivery only issues startup clearance to VFR traffic

  • At Schiphol the runway in use is included in the IFR clearance. Example "Arnem2S departure runway 24"

R/T Examples


The correct RT Phraseology for an IFR clearance  and ATC response is as follows (information A is active):

Schiphol Delivery, KLM123 gate D57 request IFR clearance to Heathrow information A

KLM123 Schiphol Delivery, cleared London Heathrow, Initial Climb FL060, Valko1S departure runway 24, squawk 6260 information A correct

Cleared London Heathrow, Intial Climb FL060, Valko1S departure runway 24 squawk 6260, KLM123

KLM123, readback correct, for startup contact Schiphol Ground 121.805

Contact Schiphol Ground 121.805, KLM123

The correct RT Phraseology for a VFR start-up request and ATC response is as follows (in this case information D is active):

Schiphol Delivery, PHABC, Cessna 172, at the general aviation, VFR to Groningen, information A, request start-up

PHABC Schiphol Delivery, start-up approved, runway 22, squawk 0060, QNH 1013, information D.

Start-up approved, runway 22, squawk 0060, QNH 1013, PHABC

PHABC, for taxi contact Schiphol Ground on 121.805

For taxi contact Schiphol Ground on 121.805, PHABC