Schiphol Tower

Position Information

ATC CallsignSchiphol Tower
FRA RequirementAS3
Airspace classC

Area of Responsibility

Schiphol Tower is responsible for traffic on the runway and in the EHAM Control Zone. It is Schiphol Tower's responsibility to safely, but expeditious, manage the flow of traffic: aircraft taxing to and from the runway, aircraft landing and taking off, aircraft entering, leaving or transiting through the CTR. Schiphol Tower will also cover the responsibilities of Schiphol Ground in his absence.

General Procedures

Runway usage

Tower is responsible for the usage of the runway, only one aircraft shall be cleared to use the runway at any time, only exemption is a line up behind a just departed or landed aircraft. The runway is considered to be clear when a airborne aircraft has passed either the runway end or runway sides or if a aircraft on the ground has passed a holding point line completely.


Before allowing an aircraft to enter the runway (for takeoff or lineup) tower shall:

  • There is no traffic on short final that will not be able to land due to the aircraft entering the runway.

    • If so an arrival shall if possible be delayed (vfr circuit/extend downwind).
    • if this is not possible the aircraft shall not be allowed on the runway.

Before issuing a departure clearance (takeoff clearance) tower shall:

  • Check if the runway is clear

  • Check if wake turbulence is no factor (this includes a previous touch and go, they are an arrival AND departure)

  • Issue any additional instructions

Cancellation of a takeoff clearance.

If required for safety Tower is allowed to revoke a takeoff clearance or have the pilot abort his takeoff. This can either be done by:

  • If the aircraft is not yet moving, cancellation of the takeoff clearance

  • If the aircraft is moving the abortion of the takeoff roll.
    Keep in mind that if the pilot has passed his V1 speed (point of no return) he cannot abort his takeoff.


Arriving traffic (IFR) is handed to the tower controller either established on ILS/VOR/NDB final or with the runway in sight for a visual approach.

Tower shall on initial contact with the arrival:

  • if possible issue a landing clearance

  • else tell the pilot to continue his approach and give him the number in sequence for landing (number 1 is the aircraft closest to but not yet passed the runway threshold, traffic on the runway does not add to this number)

Before issuing a landing clearance tower shall check that:

  • The runway is clear

Cancellation of a landing clearance:

Tower has the authority to revoke a landing clearance, he can either do this by:

  • Cancelling the landing clearance, this will have the arrival continue his approach and could be used to have an other aircraft make a touch and go or departure in front of the arrival.

  • Issue a go around instruction, in this case the approach has to be aborted and the aircraft shall continue on the published missed approach or follow instructions of the tower.


VFR traffic will normally follow published VFR routes. Tower is allowed to deviate from this if traffic permits by agreeing on a different route with the pilot, if no satisfactory route can be agreed on VFR shall follow the published routes.

With the CTR class C Tower is responsible to separate IFR from VFR and vice versa, VFR flights have to separate themselves if traffic information is given to both VFR flights.

VFR flights en-route and in the circuit can be delayed by giving an orbit, either at a reporting point or at a point in the circuit. VFR circuit traffic could also be delayed by extending there up or downwind leg, if the tower decides to extend he is responsible for turning the aircraft back to crosswind or base, and from there the VFR flight shall continue his circuit. The tower may clear the VFR flight to turn base behind an arriving aircraft when the VFR traffic has the other arrival in sight, if applicable the VFR flight has to be warned about wake turbulence.
If a circuit trainer gets to close to a preceding aircraft he can be cleared for a stop and go in stead of a touch and go, in this case tower informs the pilot this will be a touch and go and clears him to land, if spacing is sufficient tower issues a takeoff clearance.

Remarks on delay techniques:

  • Traffic in an orbit is unable to see other traffic, make sure there is sufficient space between multiple orbiting flights.

  • Do not let your circuit get to big! Every mile a flight has to extend he has to fly back.

VFR circuit traffic either on touch or stop and go is considered an arrival and departure, therefore has to have sufficient wake turbulence separation with a preceding departure! Tower may hand this responsibility to the pilot by informing him of the heavier traffic ahead and issuing a clearance regarding that traffic and his wake.

Local Procedures

Runway selection

Because the runways at Schiphol provide for a lot of combinations of runways available, an overview was created to show the runways to be selected on IVAO. Keep in mind that only 2 runways may be opened at the same time (1 for arriving traffic and 1 for departing traffic), unless otherwise authorized by the IVAO NL-staff. Runway 04/22 may additionally be opened without restrictions for traffic parked at the general aviation apron.

Ground movement

Tower is responsible for all runway crossings, unless Tower has authorized Ground to provide a runway crossing clearance for a specific runway at a specified crossing point.

  • Cross runway (runway)

  • at (crossing point)

  • optional: after the crossing contact Ground on (frequency) [for example inbound traffic from 18R crossing 18C at W5, can contact Ground on the east side of 18C]

If runway 18C/36C is being used for take-off or landing on IVAO, this runway may not be crossed at W5. Instead traffic has to be routed via Y or Z (at the threshold where traffic is taking off or runway end where traffic is landing).

Circuit and VFR routes

Schiphol has the following arrival and departure route for VFR:

  • V- at 1000ft


Departures should be transferred to (in order of writing) as soon as practicable but before passing 2000ft:





Automatic handover should be applied by the controller for departing aircraft, indicate in the TWR ATIS what frequency the pilot has to swich next (do not transfer the aircraft in IVAC before it's airborne).

ATIS example: "At 2000ft contact EHAM_W_APP freq 121.2" or "At 2000ft monitor UNICOM freq 122.8"

R/T Examples

Pilot ATC

VFR Flight to Eelde, transferred by Schiphol Ground.

PHABC at holdingpoint runway 22, ready for departure

PHABC Wind 230 degreed 05 Knots Victor departure,runway 22 cleared for takeoff

Victor departure, runway 22 cleared for takeoff, PHABC

A conditional lineup clearance,

KLM121, behind the departing Boeing 737 line up runway 24 behind

Behind the departing Boeing 737 line up runway 24 behind, KLM121

KLM121, correct

VFR Flight From Eelde to Schiphol approaching Victor.

Schiphol Tower, PHABC, Cessna 172, Approaching Victor 1000ft, information A

PHABC, Squawk 0060

Squawk 0060, PHABC

PHABC, Cleared Victor arrival runway 22 QNH1013 information A correct

Cleared Victor arrival runway 24 QNH1013, PHABC