Eelde Approach

Position Information

ATC CallsignEelde Approach
FRA RequirementAS3
Airspace classE
Minimum Radar Vectoring Altitudeslink

Area of Responsibility:

Eelde approach is responsible for arriving and departing traffic which pass through the EHGG TMA. When Eelde tower is offline, approach will take over those responsibilities as well.

General Procedures


The main responsibility for Approach is to separate inbound and outbound IFR from each other and depending on the airspace classification separate IFR from VFR or inform IFR and VFR about each other. For approach separation should be at least 3nm or 1000ft.

Delaying traffic

Inbound IFR traffic can be delayed in three ways:

  1. Holdings, ideally use published holdings, for non published holdings the inbound leg and turn direction have to be issued, one holding should take 4 minutes

  2. Vectors, for steering behind a preceding aircraft or to delay by having the aircraft fly more miles

  3. Speed control, most useful to create little amounts of additional separation or to maintain separation, this should not be used to generate a lot of separation

Arriving traffic

Arrivals shall either by flying a full procedural approach or by vectors be guided to a point from where to intercept the instrument approach or a point from where to fly a visual approach. When vectoring for an instrument approach traffic should be on a 30* intercept angle when cleared for the approach, a maximal angle of 45* is allowed if required but shall not be made standard.

Before being cleared for the approach the traffic shall be:

  • ILS: below the glideslope

  • NDB/VOR: at or descending to the published descend profile altitude in such way this altitude is reached in time.

  • ILS/NDB/VOR: On an intercept angle of ideally 30 and maximum 45 degrees.

Once traffic reports either established on the ILS, localizer, inbound course or inbound radial traffic shall be transferred to tower.

Departing traffic

Departing traffic shall at soon as practicable be cleared to climb, without coordination approach shall not clear aircraft above the highest level of is TMA. Approach may clear traffic to leave his SID for safety however the traffic should be put back on the SID before the transfer to ACC, if coordinated with ATC traffic may deviate from the SID direct to a waypoint.

Local Procedures


Eelde Approach is responsible for the following airspace:

  • EHGG TMA (1500ft-FL065)


Traffic on the following SID's shall be transferred at or climbing to eighter FL060 or regarding the LOA's. If the requested cruise level is lower, then on or climbing to cruise level. free of conflict in order of writing:

  • Temlu, Sompo or Dobak:
    Bremen radar (regarding LOA) or UNICOM

  • all other:
    Amsterdam Radar (EHAA_E_CTR, EHAA_W_CTR) or UNICOM

R/T Examples

Pilot ATC

Departure from Eelde:

Eelde Approach, TRA779, passing 1800ft, Noven 1D Departure

TRA779, identified passing 2000ft, climb FL 060

Climb FL 060, TRA779

TRA779, Contact Amsterdam Radar on 125.750

125.750, TRA779

Arrival for Eelde:

Eelde Approach, PHABC, information Y, 5NM to Grony, at FL 070

PHABC, information Z, after Grony direct SO for ILS Runway 23

After Grony direct SO, for ILS Runway 23, PHABC

PBC, descend to 2000ft and turn left heading 050, QNH 1015

descend to 2000ft, turn left heading 050, QNH 1015, PBC

PBC, turn right heading 200 cleared ILS approach runway 23

right heading 200 cleared ILS approach runway 23, PBC

PBC, established ILS runway 23

PBC,  contact Eelde tower on 118.705

118.705, PBC